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Sunday, March 17, 2013

March Ipsy and Birchbox Openings

Hey Everyone, I'm slowly getting back into my video's and blogging after a crazy February. I will be doing a blog post in the next few days about how the rest of my Disney vacation went, but I just got my March Ipsy and Birchbox so I wanted to share those with you. I plan on migrating those to Video's in the upcoming months but just to get started I've decided to blog them this month instead. I've finally gotten a little corner of my house cleaned out and decorated enough to where I think I will be happy filming. The husband has also mentioned wanting to start actually vlogging on his channel so if we do start doing that I'll link his YouTube so you can watch them. If he puts up out vlogs on his channel I won't on mine that way it's only up there once.

Anyways onto the real point of this blog March 2013 Ipsy and Birchbox. Both of these were fairly good this month. Last month's birchbox was rather disappointing. So I'll go ahead and start with Ipsy.

2013 Ipsy Glam Bag
 This month was a Nautical theme, the cosmetic bag that it came in is Navy Blue with stripes. It's a really cute bag. Inside it came with Juice Beauty Hydrating Spray, LA Fresh Travel Wipes, Glam RX single shadow holder, and two Yaby eye shadows. Upon first glance this is a really awesome bag, I love when they give the smaller facial hydrating sprays because I use them for Travel. The Shadow holder is pretty cool for some of my loose single shadow pots so that was pretty awesome and who doesn't need travel sized make up remover wipes. I always love when they include eye shadows in the boxes because if you don't already know, I love eyeshadow. However I'm not sure how fond I am of the Yaby shadows, they are very very light, not very pigmented, and normally I'd say that's okay for a daytime look but when I tried them on my eyes they barely show up. So if I had to rate this months box I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5. I love the cute bag and the spray, but the eyeshadow just didn't do it for me.

March 2013 Birchbox
So on to Birchbox. This month was pretty awesome. It came with a Madewell nail file, Macadamia Natural Oil healing oil treatment AND a Macadamia Natural Oil hair deep repair masque, Whish Shave Cream, Benefit Lip/Cheek Tint, and Supergoop Face and body lotion sunscreen. I am really excited to try the hair masque and the hair oil. I've been trying different Moroccan oils in my hair and it's been really helping so I'm excited to try these and see if they work better or the same. I tried the Benefit Lip tint a little bit earlier and it was okay, It felt kinda sticky then it dried and felt REALLY dry so I ended up having to put lip gloss over it. Other than that I haven't tried the products yet. I rate this months Birchbox a 4 out of 5. Very happy.

I will be trying out the products from both boxes over the next couple of weeks and I'll have my thoughts and reviews of the products and which ones I really enjoyed and the ones I didn't enjoy quite so much. That will probably be another blog post, but starting with April I will be moving them to Videos and of course I will link them.

If you get birchbox or ipsy let me know what you think of your boxes. I also might be adding RunnersBox to the mix as I am now getting very into running so if I do that then I will for sure be doing open box's on that too. You will all be the first to know! It depends on funds as I did just sign up for Curves Complete. My program actually starts tomorrow. I'm really excited because I feel like I needed a push to start my weight loss. I wasn't doing very well on my own, and I can't afford a personal trainer. This program is affordable and the motivation I need. I have a weekly session with a coach and 4 1/2 hour sessions a week doing a full body circuit. cardio, strength and core, so I'll be doing that, then on the other days I'll be doing my runs because I do plan on continuing and getting better at my 1/2 Marathons. I think this is the stepping stone I need, because I believe that core workouts are just as important as mileage and actual runs because the stronger my muscles and my core, the better I think I'll be able to run. I am considering buying a bike too for this summer. My goal is to be outside as much as possible and just live a more healthy and active lifestyle.

Now that I've gone off on a tangent I think it's time to end here. I will be back a couple times this week with a Disney update and a couple of other things!!! Have a wonderful Sunday Night!


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